Our Videos

Follow Chad Melton, owner of Artifex Construction, as he takes you
on an in-depth look at a large remodel project from start to finish.

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight: The Results!

Ready To Talk?

Let's start by scheduleing a visit.
Tell us about your project and what
you would love to accomplish.

There's no obligation to proceed now

To request an estimate, please send an email to chad@artifexseattle.com with your name, email, and phone number along with a brief description of the project, a desired completion date, and an estimated budget.

Project Inquiry & Questions

To request an estimate, please send an email to chad@artifexseattle.com with your name, email, and phone number along with a brief description of the project, a desired completion date, and an estimated budget.
